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Analyzing data to establish optimizations for a better user experience

Understanding the Current Experience


Our team analyzed the data from the GoArmy Contact Center to ideate on a better user experience. How do we improve the lead to contract rate for leads coming through chat lead collection experiences?


  • Understand the Data and apply it to the current user experience

  • Identify the technicalities of the experience- backend, all involved parties, and strategy for optimizations

  • Drive lead capture - both in quality and quantity - through optimizing the prospect experience from UI, UX, and in-conversation testing.

To understand how to propose optimizations- we needed to identify the data points, current experience and how these optimizations would affect the lower funnel

GACC ( Salesforce and EMM backend process)

We first needed to understand the entire lead collection process to see where we would fit and how the backend processes.

GACC (SF and EMM backend).png

Live Chat Flow & Current Experience

current chat.png

Supporting Data

Chat vs Call

The contact center is composed of 2 things- chat and call. A user can choose either one to continue to the data collection by a recruiter. The chart below not only informs us of the popularity of chat over call but also tells us the success chat has in the past year

bar graph chat lead.png

Current State (Lead to Contract Performance)

Lead to contact performance.png

As our lead volume increases and we've become effective at capturing the lead, our lead to contract rate has has dropped

We have a couple paths forward...

  1. Continue to increase lead to fuel funnel for contract volume (at risk of contract rate)

  2. Maintain current lead collection but focus on lead-to-contract phase to increase contract efficiency

  3. Combination of 2 & 3 - continue to build leads with a more effective experience that seamlessly nurtures the lead and drives them efficiently to engage in lower funnel activities

Proposed Optimizations

Now that we established our paths going forward and we have data to back them. We can now look at the front end experience. From a user experience standpoint, we could align our goals with these proposed optimizations

current chat.png

A deeper look into the chat experience...

Live chat user journey with our proposed optimizations at a high level view. Looking at this from 2 standpoints- Driving the lead to the chat and then in chat experience once the chat is initiated.

proposed flow.png

Even a deeper dive...

time trigger.png
interaction design.png
conversational explorations.png
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